Levi Zielinski

Levi Zielinski

Levi Zielinski is a Manager with Capital Edge Consulting, Inc., based in the company’s Pittsburgh, PA office. Levi has over a decade of experience in addressing various accounting and compliance issues related to Federal government grants, and internal control assessments. Levi’s expertise includes Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), FAR Cost Principles, and Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal awards to non-Federal entities (2 CFR 200, Uniform Guidance).

Professional Experience: Levi is well experienced in working with government contractors and Federal award recipients of varying size, complexity, and industry focus in the areas of accounting and internal controls. Levi has also supported clients with Business Systems Compliance, including risk assessment and Policy and Procedure Development. He has also assisted clients with Subrecipient Monitoring, Audit Support, Audit Findings Resolution, and other regulatory compliance matters.

Prior to joining Capital Edge, Levi was an audit manager for Maher Duessel, CPAs, a member of the AICPA’s Government Audit Quality Center. While at Maher Duessel, CPAs, Levi supervised and performed audits over both not-for-profit and governmental entities, including Single Audits under both OMB Circular A-133 and Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200, Subpart F (Single Audit).

Professional Affiliations: Levi is a registered CPA with the Pennsylvania Board of Accountancy. He is also a member of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

Education: Levi attended Grove City College where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting.

Connect with Levi:
Phone: 1+ 855-CAPEDGE (855-227-3343)
Email: lzielinski@capitaledgeconsulting.com

Session 7: Property Management: A Growing Risk Area for Grantees >>

Single audit findings have shown a steady increase in noncompliance related to the property management standards contained in the Uniform Guidance. These often-overlooked requirements contain prescriptive requirements, and noncompliance with these requirements can carry significant consequences for recipient organizations. If your organization must make critical decisions on the allowable usage of their federally funded equipment or supplies, this session is a can’t miss learning opportunity for you.


Session 8: Intro to Indirect Cost Recovery >>

While the Uniform Guidance enables nonfederal entities to negotiate a federally negotiated indirect cost rate to assist in recovering these costs, many organizations still have not taken advantage of this benefit. The Uniform Guidance enables organizations concerned about the effort to determine such a rate to negotiate a 10% de minimis rate, and the recently revised version of the guidance made this option available to a wider range of recipients. Organizations owe it to their mission and to their stakeholders to take full advantage of and recover every dollar of funding that is available. In this session, we will discuss the basic principles of indirect cost recovery including direct vs indirect costs, pools vs bases, allocation methods, cost principles, distorting items, proposal timelines, and the application of rates.


Session 3: Post-Award Requirements Impacting Grant Writing >>

In this session, we will cover Uniform Guidance’s post-award requirements from the perspective of the pre-award phase within the grant lifecycle. We will discuss certain considerations for post-award requirements and how they should impact your organization’s planning and preparation during the development of grant applications and budgets in response to Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs). This discussion will include practical advice and tools for post-award professionals to aid proposal development teams’ focus on compliance throughout the pre-award process. Furthermore, we will discuss what processes and controls your organization should have in place as the federal agency evaluates your grant application to ensure that your organization is operating within compliance on day one of your anticipated federal award. By proactively setting your organization up for success, you can promote the effective management of your federal programs while greatly reducing the likelihood of falling into potential non-compliance.


Session 4: Advanced Procurement Standards >>

This session will discuss why procurement is the most prescriptive post award administration topic and represents the highest compliance risk to institutions with federally funded research awards. The Federal Acquisition Regulation and 2 CFR 200 are great at telling institutions ‘what’ they must do when procuring goods or services under federal awards, however, they do not tell institutions ‘how’ to establish a compliant procurement system. During this session, we will address adequate procurement policies, roles and responsibilities of key individuals, operational workflow for each method of procurement, and how to conduct adequate cost or price analysis.